get whacked!
Current game stats
Kill zones
Rules overview
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Current game stats
The current scenario is CIRCLE OF DEATH, 4 AUG - 31 AUG, 2003

Player name Number Current status Notes
The Black Claw 1 ACTIVE ---
Frank White 2 ACTIVE ---
Captain Action 3 MIA ---
Big Jimmy 4 MIA ---
Mr. Smith goes to War 5 KIA ---
Tony Ghoul 6 KIA ---
Dr. Noir 7 ACTIVE ---

The status levels are:
ACTIVE - Alive and in the game
WIA - Wounded in action (date of wounding)
KIA - Killed in action (date of kill, killed by, for duration of current game)
MIA - Missing in action (out of the current game)

Kill Zones
The kill zones for this game are:
Mozart's Coffeehouse - 7 AUG 2003, 10:00PM
Walnut Creek Park - 10 AUG 2003, 3:00PM
TBD - 19 AUG 2003, 10:00PM

Weapons Restrictions

Rules overview

Overall rules
Hits to body - Players are encouraged to aim for the body when using projectile weapons. A body hit with any weapon is a KILL
Avoid shots to head whenever possible
Woundings - If a player is stabbed or shot in the arms or legs, he is wounded and is out of the game for 24 hours. The player is healing at this time and cannot attack other players. He can defend or evade against attack from other players. A player wounded while currently wounded (or wounded in more than 1 limb) is KILLED.
Self-defense - Players cannot usually attack players that are not their specified mark, but if a player sees a weapon on another player, he can assume that player is a threat and can defend himself.
No witnesses! - Because of the late unpleasantness, players are encouraged to be as subtle as possible when making their kills.

Places to play or not play
Off-limits areas - Churches or Holy ground(the Highlander rule), Work, other areas as determined by scenario
Vampire rule - Players can only go into target's house if they are invited
Every game will have specified "Kill zones" where players are encouraged to show up for some tactical espionage action.

Weapons rules and acceptable weapons
Rifle - Heavy dart gun, airsoft rifle, no BB guns!
Pistol - Airsoft pistol (be careful), Dart gun, or non-firing toy gun (point blank rule)
Knife - Rubber or toy knife, no pens or anything else, unless specifically created as such.
Bomb - A travel alarm clock is a suitable item for this. Use your best judgement. Do not create any device that a cop, security guard, or civilian could construe as an actual bomb. If a mark is within 10 feet of a bomb when it goes off, he is KILLED. If he is within 20 feet he is WOUNDED.
Poison dart - Blow gun with dum-dum darts or "spit wads." Since poison is the method of delivery, there are no WOUNDINGS with this weapon.

Rifles and pistols cannot shot through doors or windows.
When in doubt, have your weapon approved.

Special cases
Defenestration (two or more players have the mark near a window)
Drowning (two or more players corner the mark in a body of water)
Arson (wrapping the mark's house with toliet paper or tape)
Poison (paper saying "poison" put into a mark's food or drink

Different scenarios
vampire, circle of death, teams, all against all, mob war, and others

Don't forget the BIG GAME at the ranch - AUGUST, 2003

 Current game
 CIRCLE OF DEATH, 4 AUG - 31 AUG, 2003
 Questions? Report game status?