Hack It All

Remember when you were a kid and you took everything apart? My mom loves to tell the story about when I got the Fisher-Price Barn (you know – the one that “moos” when you open it?) and as soon as I opened the door I was no longer interested in playing with the barn, but rather how it made that noise. I took the whole thing apart and put it back together again before I would ever play with it.

Now, I didn’t truly “hack” it – because I didn’t improve it.

Hacking something (computer hacking not withstanding) is getting into the meat of a device or technology and really figuring out how to make it better. Folks who can add a new fuel-injector into their car to make it run more efficient aren’t nearly as interesting as those who can add a flex-capacitor and make it go back in time (run for it, Marty!).

Here’s a cool intro from PC Magazine – http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2016599,00.asp

Also check out:

Make Magazine – http://www.makezine.com/

Make is truly the best source for DIY (do-it-yourself) projects and how to best hack the world around us.

As Doc would say, “great Scott!”