
The days of getting your news from The News like a sucker are long gone, sucker.

In a way, we’re sorta harkening back to the old Radio Days – sitting around the tube-fired receiver in the warmth of the family living room.   Or not – the hustle and bustle of modern life has us moving at a break-neck pace and the media has evolved to meet it.   The reason why podcasts have become so ubiquitous is that they are able to integrate into our harried lives.     You don’t need to sit to engage with a podcast, you can listen while driving, doing chores, raking leaves, etc.

Podcasts also provide a fine inoculation against the Main Stream Narrative, often getting “the goods” straight from the horse’s mouth, so to speak.    The casualness of the podcast and more conversational style lend itself to some great reveals of information, and since its pretty censor-proof (you can always download a podcast direct from its source without any Big Tech intermediaries) means that it may become an increasingly important source of information as Clown World keeps on trucking.

Here are some of my favorites:

The No Agenda Show – News and events analysis and break-down.   “The guys” review what’s going on in the news and provide an un-biased (but liberty-focused) take on what’s really driving what’s happening around us.   These amygdala-shrinking conspiracy therapists look beyond the headlines, and their analysis is a spot-on way to help you keep your wits about you, while those around are losing theirs.

The Survival Podcast – Could also be called the homesteading podcast, as a lot of the focus is on homesteading and self-sufficiency.    Whereas in the “old days” survival probably meant survival from the Soviet Invasion, TSP focused more on staying safe, sane, and independent in an increasingly menacing and chaotic world.

Part of the Problem – Libertarian comedian Dave Smith’s take on society, politics and what’s going on in the world that really matters.   A sane, erudite Libertarian viewpoint based on a no-compromise position on the Non-Aggression Principle.

The BUMP Podcast – My friend Bo Kennedy started a podcast focusing on the paranormal – BUMP stands for Believers in UFOs, Monsters and the Paranormal.     I met Bo via our mutual love of good equipment and the outdoors, and we had a great conversation about our different experiences with the paranormal and unexplained phenomenon.

Moe Factz with Adam Curry – No Agenda’s Adam Curry takes the conversation to history, current events and racial relations with Moe Factz.   Excellent run down on events from two different, but respectful perspectives.    Had no idea a conversion about race and the Royals could be so engaging and worth listening to (Episode 62).

Yes, most of these are pro-freedom/individual liberty focused, but that’s my jam…