Paintball this weekend – Orion Valley – March 20, 2010

We will be playing this Saturday, March 20th in the Valley. We’ll get started with playing at 10am, with guest briefing at 9:45am, so make sure you are ready to go at that time. The weather is supposed to be sunny and mild. Looks like that stinkin’ cold is behind us and we can get back to some respectable paintball weather. =)

Primary scenario: Sniper/Counter-Sniper!

Ok – boys (and girl) – it’s time to break out the ghillie suits. We are transported back to the magical late 70s/early 80s in good ole Northern Ireland for the time of the Troubles. This isn’t a short story by Liam O’Flaherty – it’s the real deal action (or as close as we can get to it with paintball guns).

And nothing like Northern Ireland. =)

“Well, there is a literal connection.”

Special requirements: Well, ghillie suits obviously. What else? Camo netting, radios, and your paintball sniper rifles (LOL)

If you plan on bringing on someone as a guest this weekend, please let me know in advance, so that we can have some gear put aside for them.

Bring a ruck and what you need to sustain while playing.

Please note, if you need directions they are posted in the forums, under the “Orion Raiders Paintball” section. There will also be a games discussion for this weekend listed there as well.

Look forward to seeing everyone there!