Paintball this weekend – Orion Valley – September 12, 2009

We will be playing this Saturday, September 12th in the Valley. Since this is the first game of the season, this will be a no guest’s game. I’d like to get started earlier, due to the heat, so let’s try to be ready to go by 9am.

Bring a ruck and what you need to sustain while playing. We’ll play until around 12pm and then take a quick dip in the pool, so make sure to bring your bathing trousers, where applicable.

Right now it looks like a high in the low 90s, with a chance of rain, but we’ll play rain or shine. Just keep an eye on the weather and we’ll go from there.

Please note, if you need directions they are posted in the forums, under the “Orion Raiders Paintball” section. There will also be a games discussion for this weekend listed there as well.

Look forward to seeing everyone there!